All Business in one Place.
All Numbers on one Page.

Time for new Investments.

Our Key Figures
At a Glance

Our Green Route in Numbers.

Our Energy

10 km² Photovoltaic Area &
3,500,000,000 kWh per Year

correspond to CO2 savings of 2,415,000 t a year.

Our Hydrogen

55,000 t per Year

which are produced completely green and are used for steel production and as fuel for transport.

Our Iron Ore

7,000,000 t per Year Potential

locally sourced and processed.

Our Steel

1,000,000 t HBI per Year

and other steel products, from 1,400,000 t of ore.

Our Jobs

3,500 Employees for Construction &
1,750 Employees for Production

as well as others for logistics, maintenance, development & supervision.

Our Investments

3,200,000,000 €

into the overall project with all production and transport stages.